15 Habits to Avoid for a Better Life: Don’t let these mistakes hold you back

Ali Zahid Raja
3 min readFeb 5, 2023


Save this and revisit this weekly or monthly!

Over-sharing personal information:

Keeping your personal life private is important for your mental and emotional well-being. It’s okay to have close friends and family members who know a lot about you, but be mindful of who you share your deepest secrets with.

Relying solely on a 9–5 job:

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Having multiple streams of income not only gives you financial stability but also allows you to pursue your passions. Consider starting a side hustle, investing, or saving for a rainy day.

Neglecting your health:

Your health should always be a top priority. Make sure to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep every night. Neglecting your health can lead to serious health problems and lower your quality of life.

Doing what your friends do:

Just because your friends enjoy doing certain things, it doesn’t mean you have to as well. Always listen to your own intuition and make decisions that align with your values and goals.

Blaming only your parents:

While your parents may have had an impact on your life, it’s time to take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. Forgive your parents for any mistakes they may have made, and focus on creating the life you want for yourself.

Waiting for the “right time”:

Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity to come to you. Take action now and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. Consistency and discipline are key to achieving your goals.

Taking criticism personally:

Criticism is a natural part of life, but it’s important not to take it personally. Focus on improving yourself and don’t let the opinions of others hold you back. Your mental health should always come first.

Taking advice from everyone:

Be selective about the advice you take. Listen to the opinions of people who have accomplished what you want to achieve and disregard the advice of those who are not where you want to be in life.

Following self-help books blindly:

Self-help books can be a great resource, but don’t let them control your life. Embrace consistency and discipline, and you’ll find that you can achieve your goals on your own.

Trying to impress people:

Don’t go broke trying to look rich. Focus on building a solid financial foundation and let your success speak for itself.

Dependent on others:

Don’t rely on others to solve your problems for you. Take charge of your life and fight to win your own battles.

Lying to yourself:

Being honest with yourself is key to personal growth and success. Don’t make excuses and embrace the challenges that come your way.

Waiting for opportunities to come:

Be proactive and create opportunities for yourself. Don’t wait for the world to come to you, make the most of what you have and take action to achieve your goals.

Arguing with the uneducated:

Don’t waste your time trying to win a petty argument or prove a point to someone who doesn’t understand your point of view. Focus on the things that matter and don’t let negativity bring you down.

Fearing rejection:

Don’t let fear hold you back. Embrace rejection as a natural part of life and use it as an opportunity to grow and improve. “No” is just the start of a constructive conversation, and can often lead to better opportunities down the line

If you need my help with anything do let me know in the comments or send me a message!









Ali Zahid Raja
Ali Zahid Raja

Written by Ali Zahid Raja

Founder | CTO | AI, Data & ML Engineer | Creator | Developer | Entrepreneur | Mentor

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